... down and out 贫困潦倒,一无所有; be strapped for cash 缺乏金钱; a nest egg 储金,资本,应变用的储备金; ...
It is not clear whether this car-mini-home will be a viable choice for cash-strapped consumers.
If the company can deliver the planes for the price it quoted, it will assuage F-35 doubters in Congress and cash-strapped Allies who will be buying the jet, analysts have said.
分析家们说,如果该公司能够以该低报价交付飞机,它会缓和国会和购买飞机的现金短缺的盟友中f - 35的怀疑者的态度。
Jostling with them for limited funds will be a fast-growing number of cash-strapped non-financial firms.