abstract:Beans and Fatback is the 1973 release by pioneer Rock & Roll guitarist and Shawnee Indian Link Wray. It was recorded in 1971 by Link's brother Vernon "Ray Vernon" Wray at Wray's Shack Three Track studio, an old chicken shack on Wray's farm in Accokeek, Maryland during the Link Wray/Mordicai Jones sessions.
Made from ingredients that were often on hand and relatively nonperishable (such as cornmeal, bacon grease, dried beans, grits andfatback), the beansand cornbread supper was easy to prepare and could keep for several days.
Simmered all day in a cast-iron pot with a big slug of fatback, brown beans have warmed the bodies and souls of many hardworking men and women of the Appalachian coalfields.