... beat off the enemy 击退敌人 beat the pants off 大获全胜 Off Beat 最后一次心动 ; 弱音 ; 三百六十一行 ; 舞警情缘 ...
... scare the pants off sb. 把某人吓得要死 beat the pants off 把人痛打了一顿 Catch sb. with his pants down 措手不及 ...
Nevertheless, economists who buy index funds have managed to beat the pants off the professionals who think they know better.
FORBES: Five Investing Facts You Should Know
Special Offer: Why bother with stocks when you can beat the pants off of them with fixed income while taking on less risk?
FORBES: Is Emerging Markets Debt Cheap?
Special Offer: Why bother with stocks when you can beat the pants off of them with fixed- income while taking on less risk?
FORBES: S&P's Inconvenient Truth About Municipal Bonds