Beatitude Series 祝福系列
astute boozeic beatitude 醉酒叫做急性酒精中毒
beatitude point 极乐点
Sa beatitude 宗座
Beatitude e 祝福
beatitude us 祝福我们
autonomous beatitude 故意醉酒
Everybody will beatitude us forever 所有人都永远为我们祈福
同义词: blessedness beatification
以上来源于: WordNet
N supreme blessedness or happiness 至福
Called to beatitude but wounded by sin, man stands in need of salvation from God.
The word "beatitude" comes from the Latin word that means "blessed," the first word in each statement.
Redeemed by the sacrifice of Christ, all are called to participate in the same divine beatitude: all therefore enjoy an equal dignity.