领养 adoption, to adopt (a child) 蜜蜂养殖 beekeeping 培养 to cultivate, to breed, to foster, to nurture, to educate, to groom (for a position), education, fostering, culture...
beekeeping truck 放蜂车
migratory beekeeping 转地养蜂 ; 转地放蜂 ; 放牧蜂群
beekeeping appliances 养蜂用具 ; 蜂具
Hooray for beekeeping 给养蜂叫好
beekeeping instructor 养蜂指导员
beekeeping tools 养蜂的工具
Canadian Beekeeping 加拿大养蜂
同义词: apiculture
以上来源于: WordNet
N-UNCOUNT Beekeeping is the practice of owning and taking care of bees. 养蜂