... make payment beforehand提前还款 beforehand ad.预先;事先 adv.事前,事先,预先 , 提前地,提早,超前地 , 预期 , 以前 , adj.提前的;过早的 , 先发制人的;赶在前面的 , 早做准备的,预先准备好的 ...
... (时间在先的) early: (比一定的时间靠前) early; beforehand; in advance: (问候的话, 用于早晨见面时互相招呼) good morning: ...
beforehand ad 预先 ; 提前地 ; 提早地 ; 事后
be beforehand with 事先准备好 ; 预先 ; 给予
plan beforehand 预谋 ; 做坏事之前进行谋划
Beforehand cushioning 进一步缓冲 ; 预先缓冲
preparations beforehand 事前准备 ; 准备工作事先 ; 事前的准备
Recollects beforehand day 回忆事前一天 ; 天事前整理 ; 舍得事前一天
"was beforehand with her report"
同义词: advance(a)
"should have made reservations beforehand"
同义词: ahead in advance
以上来源于: WordNet
ADV If you do something beforehand, you do it earlier than a particular event. 事先; 预先
How could she tell beforehand that I was going to go out?
I wish we'd known about it beforehand.
I have to say in her defence that she knew nothing about it beforehand.
It is reasonable to assume that he knew beforehand that this would happen.
"There was a great deal of careful data collected showing how identical the two sections, these two large sections of the class were beforehand.
VOA: special.2011.06.02
All right, this is actually a very old piece of imperative knowledge for computing square roots, it's attributed to Heron of Alexandria, although I believe that the Babylonians are suspected of knowing it beforehand.
But... I guess the best way is to know how the tests are set up beforehand