A241【中华文库】行为金融理论综述(一) - docin.com豆丁网 Po r t f o l i o T h e o r y ,MPT )于2 0 0 0 年提出了行 为资产组合理论(Be h a v i o r a l Po r t f o l i o T h e o r y ,BPT ),该理论打破了现代投资组合理论 中存在的局限:理性人局限、投资者均为风险厌恶者的局限以及风险度量的局
以上来源于: WordNet
The Behavioral Portfolio Theory can be employed to give a rational explanation of anomalies in the market.
I also analyze some important BF models, which are prospect theory, behavioral asset pricing theory and behavioral portfolio theory.
Its studied for improving the traditional behavioral portfolio theory (BPT) by dealing with weights of investors multiple mental accounts.