...n appearance)而需要人类,体现了囚犯们强烈的虚荣心,人类需要存在不只是为了生存而且是因为人类参与着(being concerned with)自己的存在,其他的过错推定原则、无过错责任原则和公平责任原则,这和任何其他实体(entity)[Seiendes:存在(being)]、任何生命物...
Focus on what you are doing without being concerned with what other people will think.
The Geronimo developers are looking at ways to allow their application server to interoperate with many other products instead of being concerned with being the best application server.
If more control is needed, BMP beans allow developers to define what actions should be taken without being concerned with writing business rules for when such actions should be triggered.
如果需要更多的控制,那么BMP bean允许开发人员定义应该采取的操作,而不必为应该何时触发这类操作来编写业务规则。