bell palsy in newborn 贝尔新生儿麻痹
Keywords Bell s Palsy 透穴刺法 ; 面神经电图 ; 关键词贝尔麻痹
bell s palsy bell面瘫
bell ' s palsy bells面瘫
Bell palsy is a kind of purely peripheral facial palsy without any othercharacters or symptoms which the etiopathogenisis is not sure clinically. It'sone of the common diseases in clinic.
参考来源 - 加味牵正散治疗贝尔面瘫的临床研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Objective: The electroneurography and blink reflex in patients with facial paralysis(Bell palsy) have been evaluated.
Bell palsy (a type of neuritis) paralyzes the muscles of one side of the face. Muscular dystrophy causes paralysis by attacking muscle.