标杆资本(Benchmark Capital)的彼得芬顿(Peter Fenton)是Twitter董事,他代表其位于加州门洛帕克的公司拥有近3,160万股的投票权。
为了加强玩家的网络传播安全,必发现在的股东包括了英国著名的 UBS Capital (UBS基金)、Benchmark Capital (美国万宝环球基金) 和JPMorgan Partners(摩根大通),安全的数据保密设置也取得网站会员的一致好评!优越的技术管理赢得广大代理商的较好口碑。
股权结构 在首次公开招股之前,公司主要持股人包括风险投资公司标杆资本(Benchmark Capital)、光速创投(Lightspeed Venture Partners ),以及公司联合创始人、首席执行官埃文·施皮格尔(Evan Spiege),联合创始人罗伯特...
Matt Cohler, a former Facebook vice President who is now a venture capitalist with Benchmark capital, epitomizes Facebook's clubby extended family.
Hortonworks, a company created in June 2011 by Yahoo! And Benchmark Capital, has announced the Technical Preview Program of Data Platform based on Hadoop.
Hortonworks公司,由Yahoo !和Benchmark Capital于2011年7月联合创建,宣布了一款基于Hadoop的数据平台的技术预览版。
Mark Gilman, an analyst at Benchmark Capital, says Exxon may be behind competitors such as Royal Dutch Shell PLC and Total sa, which have both exploration and refining operations.
Benchmark Capital公司分析师吉尔曼(mark Gilman)表示,埃克森美孚或许已经落后于荷兰皇家壳牌(Royal Dutch Shell)和道达尔(Total SA)等竞争对手,它们都有勘探和炼油业务。
As a matter of fact,there might not even be a benchmark against which you can measure results and you'd think about the venture capital world.