...) 第十一章 传输层协议:TCP 和UDP 5Networking technoogy IP网络提供的服务缺陷 尽力投递服务(best-effort delivery service) 丢失报文 对报文进行重排序 限制报文的大小 报文在网络上可以被延迟任意长时间 第十一章 传输层协议:TCP 和UDP 6Networking te...
The ESB can leverage different protocols to support differing qualities of service between requesters and providers; for example, to support best effort or assured delivery.
ESB 可以利用不同的通信协议,以支持请求者和提供者之间的不同服务质量;例如,支持“尽最大努力”或“有保证”的交付。
As a professional FPC producer, our aim is "best Quality, best Price, Fast Delivery, and Perfect Service". We would like to make our best effort to acquire our clients satisfaction.