...011年加拿大「最佳汽车(Car of the Year)、「最佳多用途车(Utility Vehicle of the Year)及「最佳新设计(Best New Design),结果本地车厂十分威风,囊括了「最佳汽车及「最佳多用途车两个大奖。
Best New Design Award 最佳新设计奖
In trying to make the best of a bad situation, I decided to design and build a new test server software configuration definition and tracking tool, based on an XML database.
Many designers dive right into a new design, with or without a lot of research into current visitor habits, and hope for the best.
With this new vernacular in hand, IT architects and business process owners can more easily map their unique requirements to established best practice design techniques and patterns.
在掌握了这个新的术语表后,IT 设计师和业务流程的所有者就能更轻易地把他们的独一无二的需求映射到已建立的最佳实践设计技术和模式中。