... beta amyloid protein 淀粉样蛋白 beta amyloid plaques 斑块 Made to Human BETA AMYLOID 抗原 ...
Amyloid beta plaques 淀粉样斑块
A key aspect of Alzheimer's is sticky clumps of an abnormal protein in the brain called beta amyloid plaques.
阿尔兹·海默氏症主要是由于脑部聚集结块的异常蛋白质,名为be ta淀粉状蛋白斑。
Earlier work done by her team has shown that, in mice at least, the herpes infection of nerve cells induces accumulation of beta amyloid, the main component of amyloid plaques.
Beta (in the form of beta-amyloid plaques) and tau (in the form of tau tangles) are the physical manifestations of Alzheimer's.