biasing circuit 偏压电路 ; [电子] 偏置电路 ; 偏磁电路
magnetic biasing 磁偏 ; 磁偏置 ; 偏磁 ; 磁性偏压
otical biasing 光偏置 ; 其它加工用材料
biasing transformer [电] 偏压变压器 ; 偏磁变压器
direct current biasing 直莲压法 ; 直流传压法
biasing characteristic 控制特性 ; [电子] 偏置特性
biasing current 偏压电流
同义词: prejudice preconception
同义词: diagonal
"you are biasing my choice by telling me yours"
同义词: predetermine
"a bias fold"
以上来源于: WordNet
N-VAR Bias is a tendency to prefer one person or thing to another, and to favour that person or thing. 偏见
...his desire to avoid the appearance of bias in favour of one candidate or another.
V-T To bias someone means to influence them in favour of a particular choice. (影响某人) 使偏心; 使产生偏见
We mustn't allow it to bias our teaching.
So I choose Tourism management (biasing towards hotel management) as my major in university.
Yet, still, it was the turning point in my life - because I was no longer biasing myself against God.
Biasing a lock to a thread means that the thread is not required to release the lease on the lock.