风水轮转(Cycle),北斗星(Big Dipper)移,不经意间,英格兰队从受益者的脚色造成了受害者(Victim)的脚色。在1比2掉队之时,关关雎鸠,在河之洲。
... Big Dipper 北斗七星 ; 北斗星 ; 云霄飞车 ; 大北斗 dipper dredger 单斗挖掘船 ; 戽斗挖泥船 ; 勺式挖泥船 ; 铲斗式挖泥船 oil dipper 油勺 ; 油杓 ; 油匙 ; 溅油杆 ...
NBA历史中不得不提的名字#绰号The Big Dipper(大北斗)的威尔特.张伯伦绝对称得上是NBA历史上最伟大的球员之一 一提到张伯伦许多人都先想到那史无前例的个人单场100分 要知道那场比赛费...
The Big Dipper 北斗七星 ; 北斗星 ; 北斗 ; 指北斗七星
Big dipper map 北斗地图 ; 北斗
On the Big Dipper 关于北斗
Larry big Dipper 坠落者
Dale Kepler Big Dipper Shipper 戴尔开普勒北斗之星游戏
nthe Big Dipper 北斗星
Big Dipper adoration 北斗崇拜
N (in amusement parks) a narrow railway with open carriages that run swiftly over a route of sharp curves and steep inclines (游乐场)过山车 (Also called roller coaster)
I think that at 11 p.m. I was looking north at the Big Dipper, not south toward her house.
That night the Milky Way choked the sky, and we couldn't find the Big Dipper in the twinkling throng.
More than half the world's population lives in cities, the most light-polluted of which prevent even the Big Dipper from being seen.