field bindweed 田旋花
black bindweed 荞麦蔓 ; 蔓首乌
ivy bindweed 荞麦蔓
lesser bindweed 小旋花
Greater Bindweed 大旋花
Black-bindweed 卷茎蓼
hedge bindweed 篱旋花 ; 篱天剑
corn bindweed 谷地蔓草
以上来源于: WordNet
N-UNCOUNT Bindweed is a wild plant that winds itself around other plants and makes it difficult for them to grow. 旋花草
The flexible twining or climbing stem of certain plants such as the hop woodbine or bindweed.
The flexible twining or climbing stem of certain plants, such as the hop, woodbine, or bindweed.
The flexible twining or climbing stem of certain plants, such as the hop, woodbine , or bindweed.
细长柔韧的枝或嫩条(尤指柳或一些藤茎植物), 用于枝编工艺。