classical biotype 古典生物型
El Tor biotype 埃尔托生物型
EI Tor biotype 由爱尔托生物型
agrobacterium radibacter biotype II 放射土壤杆菌
biotype test 生化型鉴定
periodontal biotype 牙周生物型
b biotype b生物型
biotype Q Q生物型
以上来源于: WordNet
N a group of genetically identical plants within a species, produced by apomixis 单性生殖生物型 (Also called microspecies)
The results indicated that all 8 populations were of the biotype B.
The results showed that the invasive B biotype has the capacity to displace the non-B biotype in a short period of time.
Why that should be true only for this particular biotype is unknown. Finding the answer would make a lot of farmers happier.