bird dog 捕鸟猎犬 ; 核心力量训练鸟狗式 ; 找新人者 ; 找油机灵的人
Bird-dog 严密监督
a bird dog 兜揽生意的人
bird dog pilot 空中灭火指挥员
bird dog officer 空中灭火指挥员
Bird Dog Extension 跪撑举臂抬腿
international bird dog association 国际鸟类犬协会
bird panda dog 第二行
Along the way, he met a dog, a monkey and a bird.
A big bird dog, bolder than others, darted in.
As to other entertainments, the Bear denotes bear baiting, the Dog &Duck hunting, the Bull &Dog bull baiting and the Bird in Hand, falconry.