bird of paradise 极乐鸟 ; 天堂鸟 ; 鹤望兰
Bird of Paradise Flower 天堂鸟 ; 鹤望兰 ; 天堂鸟蕉 ; 极乐鸟花
King bird of paradise 王风鸟 ; 极乐鸟
a bird of paradise 极乐鸟 ; 风鸟
The Bird of Paradise 天堂鸟 ; 天
raggiana bird of paradise 艳粉极乐鸟 ; 右图为艳粉极乐鸟
Superb Bird of Paradise 天堂鸟 ; 华美极乐鸟 ; 大极乐鸟
A male bird of paradise may put himself in the limelight by displaying his spectacular plumage in the best stage setting to attract a female.
The bird of paradise may be found in South Africa. However, check your local florist: this plant is not only one of the most beautiful in the world, but one of the most popular as well.
If you have a large area covered with exotic ferns, rare begonias, unusual Bird of Paradise and the like, consider giving some of them away.