transport bit stream 传送码流
One bit flag is added into a certain descriptor of the broadband transmission to indicate the hierarchy of the transport stream on which said descriptor is providing information.
This method is also useful in other systems needed to convert MEPG-2 transport stream bit-rate.
MPEG-4 is a very popular multimedia codec, which used in the low bit-rate transport in the network, how to transport MPEG-4bit-stream in the network real-time is a hotspot of research.
MPEG - 4系统是当前流行的一种多媒体编码方式,广泛的应用于低码率传输,如何在网络上实时传输MPEG - 4码流是当前的一个研究热门,也是未来网络多媒体的一个重要的研究方向。