Black Diamond 黑钻石 ; 黑色钻石 ; 黑钻 ; [矿物] 黑金刚石
Alaskan black diamond 阿拉斯加黑钻石
Hugo - Black Diamond Feve 狂热黑钻石
Black Diamond Choke 黑钻电感 ; 级乌钻电感
The Black Diamond 黑钻石 ; 黑钻 ; 皇家图书馆
black diamond slate 黑金刚石板岩
Ultimate Black Diamond 漆黑之金钢石 ; 漆黑之金刚石
black diamond relieving pillow 赛诺黑钻护肩枕 ; 赛诺黑钻石释压枕
Earlier this week I was wearing a 33 karat black diamond ring on loan. I had to give it up. But I think I'm going to get it. I was so in love with it.
Want to brag to your friends about how fast you were cruising down the double black diamond?
Nowadays, it is fashionable and trendy to wear black diamond jewelry.