black sheep 害群之马 ; 败家子 ; 不孝子女 ; 不肖子女
a black sheep 败家子 ; 害群之马 ; 败家仔
Baa Baa black sheep 咩咩小黑羊 ; 咩咩黑羊 ; 咩咩黑绵羊 ; 日日笑
black sheep wall 地图全开 ; 展现完整的地图 ; 等待戈多 ; 显示整张地图
the black sheep 害群之马 ; 败家子 ; 黑绵羊 ; 不孝之子和没用的人
Black-sheep 败家子
Cele Black Sheep 策勒黑羊
Baa Black Sheep 咩黑羊 ; 发咩声败类
As the owner of the factory I'm like the head of a family, and as such I can't allow any black sheep among my employees.
Mike is the black sheep of the company.
The black sheep is South Korea, where households and firms are even more indebted than in America.