The package did include 60 Black Hawk helicopters, which Mr Bush had not approved, but these will hardly intimidate China.
When, on Saturday, it turned out that there was room for him on one of the Black Hawk helicopters making the trip, he was elated.
星期六到了。 那天准备送牧师去巴比伦的黑鹰号直升机刚好还有一个空位,这可把西罗斯乐坏了。
Four prototype HALTT (" helicopter Alert and Threat Termination ") sensors are now on board Black Hawk helicopters and deployed to Afghanistan, as Danger Room alum Nathan Hodge reports.
四件HALTT(直升机预警与威胁解除)传感器样件目前已装在黑鹰直升机上,应用于阿富汗,如险情办公室Nathan Hodge所报道的。