follow the fashion blindly 盲目追逐时尚 ; 盲目追求时尚
Blindly Worshipping Stars 盲目追星 ; 自觉追星
act blindly 闭门造车 ; 一味盲干
follow blindly 盲目地附合随从 ; 盲目听从 ; 盲目追求 ; 盲从
to follow blindly 盲从 ; 踏袭
strike out blindly 重拳出击盲目 ; 盲目地剔除
worship blindly 盲目地崇拜 ; 盲目崇拜
love blindly 盲目地爱
blindly in love 宅男之恋 ; 外文名
ADV If you say that someone does something blindly, you mean that they do it without having enough information, or without thinking about it. 盲目地 [表不满]
Don't just blindly follow what the banker says.
Without adequate information, many students choose a college almost blindly.
→ see also blind