... beta-decay scheme β衰变方式 block scheme 方框图、方块图;图解;大纲、粗计划 bonding scheme 键合形式 ...
Transfer Block Scheme 公屋转作居屋计划
Super Block Scheme 超级块策略
Home Ownership Scheme block 居屋大厦
transformer-line block scheme 变压器
generator trans-former block scheme 发电机
block grant scheme 整体拨款计划
block coding scheme 方块编码
block cipher scheme 分组密码
block orchard scheme 分块果园法
The block scheme of an intelligent controlled sun shading system is presented.
Where, the principle and the main functions of the system are presented. And the block scheme and the results are given.
But clinging to the scheme - based on untested technology against a distant and uncertain threat - meant that Russia would block American influence at every turn.
但如果继续坚持这个计划- - -以未经检验的技术来防范一个遥远的未知威胁,则意味着俄罗斯以后将处处给美国下绊。