blocking antibody 封闭抗体 ; 抑制性抗体 ; 阻断抗体 ; 封闭性抗体
thyroid blocking antibody 甲状腺阻断抗体 ; 抗体
TSH-stimulating blocking antibody 刺激阻断性抗体 ; tsh刺激阻断性抗体 ; 非常刺激阻断性抗体
Acetylcholine receptor blocking antibody 乙酰胆碱受体阻滞抗体
thyroid stimulation blocking antibody 甲状腺刺激阻断性抗体
Hypersensitivity reaction with blocking antibody 过敏性反应伴封闭性抗体
thyroid stimulating blocking antibody 刺激阻断性抗体 ; 抗体
TSHR-blocking antibody 受体阻断抗体
TSHR stimulation-blocking antibody 受体刺激阻断性抗体
Hypersensitivity reaction without blocking antibody 过敏性反应不伴封闭性抗体
GD2 is thought to help conceal the tumor from the patient's immune system, so blocking it with the antibody opens the cancer to attack.
Use as a blocking reagent to evaluate the specificity of antibody reactivity in immunohistochemistry protocols.
Use as a blocking reagent to evaluate the specificity of antibody reactivity in immunohistochemistry protocols.