blowoff valve 排出阀 ; [机] 排污阀 ; 急泄阀 ; [动力] 放气阀
blowoff pipe 排污管 ; 吹泄管
blowoff pressure 吹除压力
blowoff velocity 吹除速度
everlasting blowoff valve 连续泄放阀 ; 持续泄放阀
Blowoff volume 倾销量
bottom blowoff 底部吹泄
blowoff tank 排放箱
blowoff chamber [建] 排泥井
At the end of the blowoff period, a reverse procedure should be used.
By calculating and analysing the process of material radiated by pulsed X ray a numerical model that calculates the blowoff impulse generated in solid material by pulsed X ray radiation is given.