...适用液体、气体和蒸气这篇文章仅先容涡街流量汁(以下简称VSF或流量计)VSF实邻流体中安顿一根(或多根)非流线型阻流体(bluff body),流体在阻流体双侧交替地分离开释出两串规则的漩涡,在绝对是的流量范围内漩涡分离频率正比于管道内的均等流快,路程经过过程采用各...
bluff body shape 扁平体形
bluff body burner 钝体燃烧器
bluff body flame 钝体稳定的火焰
bluff-body 钝体
slit bluff body 开缝钝体
a bluff-body 钝体
bluff-body flow 绕钝状体流
dual bluff body 双钝体
The evidence shows that the V shape slitted bluff body has the best flameholding ability and the lowest drag at a gap ratio of 36%.
从模拟结果得出,开缝V 形钝体在缝宽率为36%时,其火焰稳定能力和阻力特性综合性能达到最佳。
参考来源 - 高温、低阻、高效加力燃烧室火焰稳定器机理研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
We made the flow visualization experiment for flow over bluff body or dual bluff body to study the characteristics of vortex shedding.
Furthermore, the influence of bluff body on the size of circumfluence area and the velocity distribution near the bluff body is researched.
The dynamics characteristics of dual bluff body vortex and the best structure of dual bluff body vortex improving fluid oscillation are studied.