@影像视觉杂志 背景资料:红尾蚺(Boa constrictor)是蛇亚目蚺科蚺属下的一种蚺蛇,又称红尾蟒,无毒,主要分布于中美洲、南美洲及加勒比海附近的一些岛屿。
Boa constrictor constrictor 红尾蚺 ; 指名亚种
boa-constrictor 例如王蛇
Boa constrictor longicauda 北部秘鲁
Boa constrictor occidentalis 阿根廷蚺蛇
Boa constrictor ortonii 秘鲁安地斯山脉西部的安第斯亚种
boa constrictor amarali 玻利维亚红尾蚺 ; 红尾蚺的亚种
A boa constrictor 我买过最糟的是
boa boa constrictor 羽毛围巾
N-COUNT A boa constrictor is a large snake that kills animals by wrapping itself round their bodies and squeezing them to death. Boa constrictors are found mainly in South and Central America and the West Indies. 蟒蛇
Unconsciously, an angry of Harry makes Dudley separate from a boa constrictor.
All species have a two-part Latin name, such as Boa constrictor or Homo sapiens.
所有物种的名字都由两部分拉丁文组成,像蟒蛇(Boa constrictor)或智人(Homo sapiens)。
Once, I did a cartoon of a boa constrictor marked Capital swallowing a rabbit marked Labour.