body weight [人类] 体重 ; 低温 ; 控制体重 ; 体质量
Ideal Body Weight 想体重 ; 理想体重 ; 标准体重 ; 标准体质量
body weight of silkworm larva 蚕体重
body weight index 体重指数 ; 发现以体重指标
lean body weight 瘦体重 ; 与瘦体重 ; 和瘦体重含量 ; 瘦体重含量
body weight training 训练 ; 自重训练 ; 自身重量训练 ; 自负重训练
Actual Body Weight 取代实际体重 ; 实际体质量
Upper Body Weight training 上半身负重训练
body weight loss 体重丢失
Body weight is strongly influenced by biology—it is not an individual's fault if they develop obesity.
With every stride, runners hit the ground with up to five times their body-weight.
The brain accounts for merely three percent of body weight.