body forming machine 罐身成形机
can body-forming machine 罐身成圆机 ; 灌身成形机
Heinz-body forming test 红细胞包涵体试验
body forming test 红细胞包涵体试验
body forming mvery singleine 罐身成形机
can body-forming machellone 罐身成圆机
hollow body-forming 空心体成型
precision body forming 精密体积成形
The design of auto-body forming process commonly includes edge un-wrapping, choice of drawing direction, roughcast reckoning, design of addendum, adding the binder surface and setting the draw bead.
A dying hepatocyte is forming an eosinophilic "councilman body".
The promise is there for blueberries to help reduce adipose tissue from forming in the body.
Rather than by forming an image or a picture you put electrodes on the surface of the body and measure the electrical potential as a function of position on the body.
There are cells within your body that are always in the process of division and forming new cells, and sometimes this is for a tissue where cells only have a finite lifetime.