...散治疗臁疮89例疗效观察-医药英语-论文中心 关键词 臁疮;大青散;慢性溃疡;石膏;朱砂;硼砂;冰片 [gap=359]Keywords:boils;DaqingSan;chroniculcer;gypsum;Spanishred;Borax;Borneol从2003年1月至2005年10月,笔者治疗小腿臁..
灵异啊,玩Pandemic2时冷不丁打了两个喷嚏 ... Encephalitis脑炎:增加死亡率。 Boils疮:非常引人注目的皮肤状况。 Necrosis坏死:对健康造成很大的危险,且非常容易暴露被传染者的疾病,由于坏死肌肉的外表和气味而非常显著。 ...
... 布瓦尔 bobouar; boils; boire; boirre; boirs; bouvard; bouvart; boyre; brvar; burvall; buvall 艾属植物 artemista; mugwort 白麻属植物 abutilon ...
A watched pot never boils 心急水不开
hairline boils 发际疮
boils at nothing 无缘无故就沸腾
Boils and Carbuncles 疖及痈 ; 痈疮疖肿
abscesses and boils 脓肿与疖
A watched never boils 心急水不沸
同义词: furuncle
"the brought to water to a boil"
同义词: boiling point
以上来源于: WordNet
V-T/V-I When a hot liquid boils or when you boil it, bubbles appear in it and it starts to change into steam or vapour. 使…沸腾; 沸腾
I stood in the kitchen, waiting for the water to boil.
Boil the water in the saucepan and add the sage.
V-T/V-I When you boil a pot or a kettle, or put it on to boil, you heat the water inside it until it boils. 烧开
He had nothing to do but boil the kettle and make the tea.
V-I When a pot is boiling, the water inside it has reached boiling point. 烧沸 [only cont]
The pot was boiling.
V-T/V-I When you boil food, or when it boils, it is cooked in boiling water. 煮
Boil the chick peas, add garlic and lemon juice.
I'd peel potatoes and put them on to boil.
V-I If you are boiling with anger, you are very angry. 发怒 [usu cont]
I used to be all sweetness and light on the outside, but inside I would be boiling with rage.
N the state or action of boiling (esp in the phrases on the boil, off the boil) 沸腾
N-COUNT A boil is a red, painful swelling on your skin that contains a thick yellow liquid called pus. 疖子
→ see also boiling
PHRASE When you bring a liquid to a boil, you heat it until it boils. When it comes to a boil, it begins to boil. 烧沸/开始沸腾
Put water, butter and lard into a saucepan and bring slowly to the boil.
What they want boils down to just one thing. It is land.
In the end, what it all boils down to is money, or the lack of it.
Many are being plagued by family discord, a problem that boils down to the lack of a sense of family responsibility.
Water boils at different temperatures, depending on what the atmospheric pressure is; same thing for the freezing point.
For me, the choice boils down to the choice between the body theory of personal identity and personality theory of personal identity.
But it's some sort of skin disease, flaking skin disease or other sorts of boils and skin states that seem to be associated, at least in the Israelite mind, with decomposition and death.