书目录 » Book catalogue 这导致组织功能失效 » This led to the Organization features no longer ..
book catalogue volume catalogue 书本式目录
functions of book catalogue 书目功用
Monthly List of Book Catalogue 书籍编目月刊
book online-catalogue 图书联机编目
book cataloguelibrary catalogue 图书目录
This paper discusses the purpose and importance of duplicate checking in Chinese book catalogue,analyses the option of checking approaches and probes into the existed problems and processing methods in duplicate checking by relating to practice.
参考来源 - 查重问题在中文图书编目中的重要性及处理方法·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
After you have found the proper book in the catalogue you have to receive a demand card from a consultant.
For instance, it can reasonably argue that its book-scanning project in effect creates a better card catalogue that helps publishers and authors.
The book you want is not in the library catalogue.