图片 中文片名 : 生来如此 英文片名 : Born That Way 导演 : tony mcneal 编剧 : tony mcneal delta zulu 主演 : kevin gage 阿黛尔·提什勒 adai 基于3个网
it was born that way 它是天生的
It's not his fault he's so pompous—he was born that way.
Iconoclasts, either because they were born that way or through learning, have found ways to work around the perceptual shortcuts that plague most people.
It wasn't meant to be born that way.
The issue of psychopathy, of people who, either due to brain damage or because they are born that way, have no moral understanding, can help us cope with questions of free will and responsibility; of the relationship or difference between mental illness and evil.