...美国麻省波士顿市 出生日期:1960年2月7日 出生名:詹姆斯-托德-斯派德 最近出演角色:《波士顿律法》(Boston Legal)中饰演阿兰-肖 获奖记录: 获得过金球奖提名 另外有4次获其他奖项(2次艾美奖),11次提名 2005年 因电视剧《波士顿律...
boston legal Season 波士顿法律界第2季 ; 波士顿法律 ; 波士顿法律第2季
boston legal Season2 波士顿法律界第2季
boston legal tortured souls 律师风云
boston legal detail 波士顿法律
Boston Legal Network logo 波士顿法律网络
James Spader Boston Legal 詹姆斯·斯派德
Boston n Legal 波士顿法律 ; 律师风云
William Shatner of ABC's "Boston Legal" won the award for best supporting actor.
威廉-纳凭借《波士顿法律》(BOSTON LEGAL)获得最佳电视电影男配角奖。
She'll be making her television debut on Boston Legal as a full cast member mid-fourth season.
And yet months before he turns 50, fresh off a five-year, three Emmy-winning run on TV (in David E Kelley's The Practice and Boston Legal), nothing about James Spader is what one might expect.