weakly bounded set 弱有界集合
uniformly bounded set 一致有界集
order bounded set 有序有界集
bounded set of points [数] 有界点集
bounded set of numbers [数] 有界数集
bounded set of real numbers [数] 有界实数集
absolute convex bounded set [数] 绝对凸有界集
STL-bounded set STL有界
以上来源于: WordNet
The bounded set of annotations that do depend on an EJB3 container are geared specifically for that environment.
的确依赖于ejb 3容器的一组有限的注释则是专用于那个环境的。
Theorem 3 X is a bornologic space if and only if every uniformly bounded set of linear operators from X to Y is equicontinuous.
定理3 X是囿空间的充要条件为:每个从X到Y的一致有界的线性算子族都是等度连续的。
What I wanted to purchase was units of computation, bounded with set prices, with an easy transition when more power was needed.
Because the uniform, as we've set it up here, is bounded.