艏震波,磁鞘:地球的磁层顶前方,有一个艏震波 (Bow Shock)。艏震波与磁层顶之间的乱流区域,我们称它为磁鞘 (Magnetosheath),艏震波与磁鞘都是属于太阳风的势力范围。
earth bow shock 地球弓形震波
Saturn's bow shock 土星舷激波
bow shock front 弓型冲击波前
bow-shock nebula 弓形激波星云
collision-free bow shock 无碰撞弓形激波
Jovian bow shock 木星舷激波
Bow-shock 弧形扰动
earth s bow shock 地球弓激
bow-shock k nebula 弓形激波星云
When the wind hits this field it creates a shock wave known as the bow shock.
The kinetic cross-field streaming electromagnetic instability for transmitted ions within the Earth's bow shock front is investigated in this paper.
A wave rider is a configuration designed such that the bow shock generated by the shape is perfectly attached along the leading edge at the design condition.