...风短,范马刃牙,零式战斗,XBLADE-刀,王者天下,黄龙,二都物语,铁拳小子Legends,PEACE MAKER(PEACEMAKER),敏行快跑(Boys on the run),全职猎人(猎人Hunter X),浪客行彩色版,东京暴族Ⅱ,天体战士,苍天之拳(北斗之拳),黑礁,假面骑士Spirits,格斗玫瑰,鸦,武神外传-白...
以上来源于: WordNet
So I asked two boys with carriers on their bicycles to run them the half-mile down to our house.
As Shay rounded third, the boys from both teams, and the spectators, were on their feet screaming, 'Shay, run home!
Worse, it forces him to write in character, as a wild, feral youth who "stole a key, took a car downtown where the lost boys meet... we'll run riot," as he sings on Charlie Brown.
更糟糕的是,这迫使他刻画出一个无法无天,难以被驾驭的年轻人“偷了一把车钥匙,在闹市区与迷失男孩们秘密会合并驶离这里…我们要大闹一场”(《Charlie Brown》歌词)。