前奏的音色与樱桃小丸子一样,我使用 铜管乐 ( Brass Section )。此曲共重复了好几次,在不太情愿花太多时间与心血去做其它的变化时,改变旋律的音色来增加曲子的丰富性,不失为很好的偷懒方法...
UC San Diego created a trumpet that not only detects the exact pitch being played, but can bend that pitch in real time to hit the proper note-a sort of auto-tune for the brass section.
Up until now, you've been depending on someone else to play the chords for you (such as a brass section) or maybe you were playing one small piece of the chords to accompany another instrument.
Okay. So obviously we've now seen a little bit of the brass family and the woodwind family, and the other principal section of the orchestra would obviously be the string family.
Okay. So obviously we've now seen a little bit of the brass family and the woodwind family, and the other principal section of the orchestra would obviously be the string family.