ABSOLUTE BREADTH INDEX 绝对幅度指标 ; 指标 ; 对幅度指标
breadth index 度指数
length-breadth index 颅长阔指数
A olute Breadth Index 绝对广量指标
trunk breadth index 躯干宽指数
thoracic breadth index 胸廓宽指数
ABIAbsolute Breadth Index 绝对广量指标
stature-shoulder breadth index 之间的直线距离
Results The breadth between bilateral angle of mandible are related to all various of index sign.
Finally, the characteristics and connection strategies of generator are presented, and based on subsume index, a breadth-first algorithm for mining non-redundant association rule is proposed.
Meanwhile, the driver had the functions of constant current chopper, index movements frequency and sine wave equal-breadth even subdivision.