evergreen broad-leaf forest 常绿阔叶林
Deciduous broad-leaf forest 叶林 ; 落叶阔叶林
secondary broad-leaf forest 次生阔叶林
natural broad leaf forest 天然阔叶林
deciduous broad leaf forest 落叶阔叶林
Broad-leaf forest of warm tharacter 暖性阔叶林
Montane mossy evergreen broad-leaf forest 山地苔藓常绿阔叶林
broad-leaf mixed forest 阔叶红松混交林
The deciduous broad-leaf forest always holds more water in the soil than the evergreen needle forest does.
Under the different vegetation's soil impact resilience performance for reduces gradually from the forest land to the wild grassy slope, the broad-leaf forest land is highest;
The diameter distributions were simulated by the modified exponential distribution function for describing the stand structure, based on inventory data of broad-leaf forest in Changbai Mountain.