宽轨(broad gauge) 宽 1.435 公尺以上的轨距称为宽轨,有 1.524 公尺、1.6 公尺与 1.676 公尺等多种规格,使用宽轨系统的国家如前苏联、印度、东欧...
... pressure gauge 压力表 ; 压力计 ; 轮胎压力计 ; 压力测量装置 Broad gauge 宽轨 ; 宽轨 ; 宽轨距 Fuel Gauge 燃油表 ; 油量表 ; 燃油面指示器 ; 油表 ...
宽宏的什么意思_有道词典 ... 宽宏的胸怀 breadth of mind 胸襟宽宏的 broadgauge 宽宏多恕的 alGhaffar ; Ghaffar ...
broad gauge railway 宽轨距铁路 ; [铁路] 宽轨铁路 ; 宽轨铁道
broad-gauge 无偏见的 ; 宽轨的
broad-gauge line 宽轨线路
broad-gauge bogie 宽轨转向架
broad-gauge track 宽轨铁路
broad-gauge diesel locomotive 宽轨内燃机车
broad gauge railay 宽轨距铁路
N a railway track with a greater distance between the lines than the standard gauge of 56 inches (about 1.44 metres) used now by most mainline railway systems 宽轨; 轨距大于56.5英寸的标准轨距,现应用于大多数干线铁路系统中
ADJ of, relating to, or denoting a railway having this track (铁路)宽轨的
But the Soviet-built trans-Siberian railway is broad-gauge.
A separate measure by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, called MZM and designed to better gauge broad liquidity, has fallen at a 16% annualized pace in that time.
圣路易斯联邦储备银行(Federal Reserve Bank of St . Louis)出台的另一项旨在更好地衡量整体流动性的标准MZ M过去四周降幅折合年率为16%。