称 中文名:宽带无线接入技术 英文名:Broadband Wireless Access Technology 任课老师:王视环 单位:通信与信息工程学院 通信工程系 地址:本部主楼1206房间 联系电话: 83492413 E-mail: wangshi
Mobile broadband wireless access technology 移动宽带无线接入技术
wireless broadband access technology 无线宽带接入技术
This paper focuses on the WIFI as a new type of broadband wireless access technology, it has a faster transfer speeds and longer transmission distance.
With wide application of broadband wireless access technology, the EMI phenomenon is more and more serious among communication systems and inner communication base station.
随着宽带无线接入技术的广泛应用, 通信系统之间以及通信基站内部的电磁干扰(EMI)现象越来越严重。
The vaunted new wireless technology promises to combine the speed of broadband Internet access with the ubiquity of mobile phones.