拿关山樱(Kwanzan flowering cherry)来说,从前很少发生病害,但近年来却患染一种新型的褐腐病(brown rot),使叶子受到严重损毁。
... 3.1.19 白腐white rot 3.1.20 褐腐brown rot ② 粉饱革菌(Coniophora puteana),施魏多孔菌(Polyporus schweinitzii),密粘褶菌(Gloeophyllum trabeum), ...
Peach Brown Rot 桃褐腐病
brown-rot fungi 褐腐真菌 ; 褐色腐朽菌
Apple brown rot 苹果褐腐病
Pear brown Rot 梨褐腐病
Watermelon brown rot 蒂腐色二孢
brown rot of peach 桃褐腐病
Bacterial brown rot 细菌褐腐病 ; 细菌性褐腐病
brown rot fungus 褐腐菌
Torreya brown rot 香榧褐腐病
以上来源于: WordNet
N a disease of apples, peaches, etc, caused by fungi of the genus Sclerotinia and characterized by yellowish-brown masses of spores on the plant surface 褐腐病
As follows from their name, brown-rot fungi cause brown rot, or dry rot of wood.
Since 1974, culm brown rot of Phyllostachys viridis has been found in Nanjing, Li Yang County of Jiangsu Province and De Qing County of Zhejiang Province.
Those brown spots are rot and decay.