Carnegie Mellon University US 卡耐基梅隆大学 Brown University US 布朗大学 University of California, Los Angeles US 加州大学洛杉矶分校 ..
... 瑞典乌普萨拉大学 (Purdue University US) 德国慕尼黑理工大学 (Tech University Berlin DE ) 美国莱斯大学 (Brown University US) ...
... Tech University Berlin DE 德国柏林工业大学 Brown University US 美国布朗大学 Tsing Hua University CN 中国清华大学 ...
Brown n University US 布朗大学校训
Dr. Peter Brown , a researcher with the Meteor Physics Group at the University of Western Ontario, tells us what will happen if a giant asteroid plunges into Earth and pulverizes us.
Peter Brown博士, 西Ontario大学陨石物理学教研组研究员,他的观点是一颗巨大的流星将突然冲入地球将我们磨成粉末。
The world's first artificial ovary was developed by scientists from Brown University and the Woman & Infants Hospital in the US, the Daily Telegraph of London reported.
"I do take things in the mainstream with a grain of salt," says Ben Polson, a college student at Brown University in the US.
Could you tell us about the general atmosphere of Brown University?