...Name of the Tsar) 在一战俄军的最大前线加里西亚(Galicia),率领传奇的轻骑兵(Hussars)发动勃鲁西洛夫攻势(Brusilov Offensive)。在冰天雪地的群岛卷入阿尔比翁(Albion)的小冲突,并在武普库夫山口(Lupkow Pass)被积雪覆盖的山谷遭遇埋伏战。
John Erickson makes something of the comparison between the great tsarist offensive in 1916 under Brusilov and Zhukov's operation in 1944 to clear the Germans from Belarus, showing in the process that the armies of both wars were not the primitive, poorly led, forces often depicted in western literature.