...m)的一份关于web安全威胁分类的文档16],我们将web漏洞分为以下几 类: 1.Authentication(认证) 一Brute Force(暴力破解):暴力破解攻击是一个自动化试验的过程,用于 6 web应用程序安全漏洞挖掘的研究 猜测用户名、密码、信用卡号或者密钥。
... Enable built-in Frame Buffer(内置帧缓存器能否可用) Brute force(准蒙特卡罗) Split render channels(别离渲染通道) ...
Brute force attack 蛮力破解 ; 暴力破解 ; 蛮力攻击 ; 请参阅蛮力攻击
brute force focusing 强力聚焦
brute force filter 平滑滤波器
Brute Force Approach 粗略近似法 ; 蛮力方式
Tabard of Brute Force 蛮力战袍 ; 蛮劲战袍
Brute force GI 直接计算
Brute force testing 强力测试
Brute force Search 搜索算法 ; 穷举攻击 ; 强力搜索 ; 盲目搜索
以上来源于: WordNet
Brain against brute force—and brain came out on the top—as it's bound to do.
"The evidence for using kites to move large stones is no better or worse than the evidence for the brute force method," Gharib says.
“使用风筝来移动大石头的证据和使用蛮力方式的证据差不多。” Gharib 说。
We will achieve much more by persuasion than by brute force.
google Imagine you want to search through Google to find a particular page. You want to do it in a second. And you're going to just do it the brute force way, assuming you could even reach all of those pages in that time.
And as a consequence, brute force methods are typically not going to work.
You can brute force it and unfortunately, the so-called Caesar cipher is not very secure because if you assume, for our purposes in English alphabet with 26 characters, say all lowercase for all uppercase, my God, you only have to try like 24, 25, 26 possible rotations until you can figure out what his secret message is.