穷举攻击(Brute Force Search)是通过试遍所有可 能的密钥对所获密文进行解密,直至得到正确的明 文;或者用一个确定的密钥对所有可能的明文进行 加密,直至得到...
从密文中恢复明文 15 16 4 强力搜索(Brute Force Search) 加密算法的安全性 穷举攻击:尝试所有可能的密钥(Exhaustive 无条件安全(unconditional security) Key Search) 无论提供的密...
brute force search strategy 强力搜索策略
brute-force search algorithm 穷举搜索算法
Blind or Brute-Force Search 盲目搜索
brute force string search 蛮力字符串搜寻
Dictionary attack — Guessing the password of a valid user using a brute force search through dictionary words.
However the current dilemma of either brute force search and discard vs caching is dealing in old paradigms of thought.
然而,现在无论使用穷举搜索(brute force search)还是缓存(discard vs caching)都属于陈旧的思维模式。
I cannot imagine anyone thinks that caching is a good idea and a permanent solution to search. And clearly brute force hits are too expensive.