... 约翰贰书 Second epistle of St John 约书亚记 Book of Joshua 竺书 scripture; Buddhist texts (archaic) ...
depositary of Buddhist texts 藏经楼 ; 藏经阁
Depositarry Of Buddhist Texts 藏经阁
Excerpts from Zen buddhist texts 禅宗语录
the Depository of Buddhist Texts 藏经阁
Gandhāran Buddhist Texts 犍陀罗佛教原稿
Gandharan Buddhist Texts 犍陀罗佛教原稿
Research on Buddhist Texts 大乘佛经研究
以上来源于: WordNet
Numerous Buddhist texts point out that poverty is not any individual's fate or karma, but rather exists in a web of causes and conditions.
Answer: I have heard about them, but mainly as a theory, and my understanding would have been influenced by the Gita and by Buddhist texts.
The manuscripts, birchbark scrolls that looked like "badly rolled-up cigars" when first shown to the Library, are believed to be the earliest surviving Buddhist texts.