Buffer Capacity [化学] 缓冲容量 ; [摄] 缓冲能力 ; 缓衡容量 ; 缓冲容积
Buffer Capacity per User 户的数据缓冲区大小
soil buffer capacity [土壤] 土壤缓冲容量
buffer capacity of blood 血缓冲能力
Data Buffer Capacity 数据缓存容量
acidic buffer capacity 酸缓冲容量
Ecological buffer capacity 缓冲量
buffer capacity and range 缓冲容量和范围
soil buffer capacity content 土壤缓冲容量
If the number of events and actions queued on the messaging engine exceeds this buffer capacity, they will be discarded.
Writers are never blocked because the buffer capacity can be expanded indefinitely, or at least until the limit imposed by the underlying memory system is reached.
The analysis shows that although loss probability decreases through expanding buffer capacity, delay and delay jitter increase, whose effect on QOS will not be negligible.